
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Electronic Cigarettes

Electronic Cigarettes

Ok, here's some information about myself that I try to hide.

My husband and I have smoked for over 30 years and have tried to quit at least once a year during those 30 years.  We have both tried every quit smoking aid available, gum, patches, pills and cold turkey.  Nothing has worked for either of us for the long term. 

My biggest fear with smoking, besides cancer, is what it is exposing the children to.  We raised 4 children and Thank God, none of them are smokers.  I knew what I was doing was bad, wrong, insert any other word you want, when I smoked around my children.  We educated our children on the dangers of smoking just about every day and maybe that is why none of them started smoking.

Now we have grandchildren, 8 and counting, and my fears have grown even stronger.  When they are here we limit our smoking to another room, but I know that doesn't shield them from the second hand smoke. 

With my concerns growing stronger, my husband and I have decided to try Electronic Cigarettes with the belief that this will protect the children and others in our lives that are non-smokers from the dangers of second hand smoke.

I have contacted several companies and a few are sending me samples to try out and write up reviews on.  I want to make it clear to everyone, I am not recommending, promoting, advertising or suggesting to anyone to use Electronic Cigarettes. In working with these companies, I am going to share my experience with the use of them. 

My hope is that not only will the worry about second hand smoke be out of my mind, I hope that the Electronic Cigarettes will aid in my desire to quit smoking totally. 

Now, from what I can find on the Internet, there really hasn't been any scientific research on Electronic Cigarettes being used as a "quit smoking aid", but I can see where it might help.

The Electronic Cigarettes cartridges come in different doses from high nicotine to none at all to flavors like cherry and vanilla with no nicotine.

My plan is to start at the cartridge level that matches my current nicotine addiction and reduce the level of nicotine to nothing.  In doing so, I still get that sensation of smoking, which is the hardest part for me to give up, but I am limiting my nicotine input down to nothing. 

I will be doing a review and sharing my thoughts on my first Electronic Cigarette sometime next week. 
I would love to hear from other who have tried the Electronic Cigarettes.

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