
Saturday, January 29, 2011

VIO Light Za-Za Zapi Toothbrush Sanitizer

A single toothbrush can harbor millions of microorganisms, which translate into harmful bacteria — bacteria that thrive in the warm, moist environment of the average bathroom. VIOlight stops these microorganisms dead in their track. Independent studies prove that the patent-pending VIOlight system eliminates up to 99.9% of bacteria that thrive on your toothbrush. That's millions of microscopic bugs that can cause flu, colds and other illnesses, zapped in minutes!

VIOlight uses a germicidal UV bulb — the same technology used in hospitals — to kill germs. A blue-violet glow lets you know the sanitizer is working. The entire process takes minutes. When finished, the bulb automatically shuts off and your toothbrush is fresh, clean, and protected for the next time you brush!

    * A number of studies suggest that oral heath is associated with general health. Advanced gum disease has been linked to heart disease, diabetes, premature delivery in pregnant women, and stroke.    * Researchers have found more than 10,000,000 bacteria living on a single toothbrush.
    * Tooth decay is caused by bacteria that can survive on toothbrushes.
    * Viruses that cause colds, flu, and fever blisters can survive for many days on toothbrushes.
    * Droplets produced by flushing toilets can harbor bacteria and viruses that can remain airborne long enough to settle on surfaces. Thus, a person could acquire an infection from an aerosol produced by a toilet.

A study* performed on the VIOlight Toothbrush Sanitizer by Dr. Philip Tierno, Jr., PhD, Director Clinical Microbiology and Immunology, Associate Professor, Departments of Microbiology and Pathology, New York University Medical Center, found that the VIOlight eliminated up to 99.9% of bacteria tested on toothbrushes.
Another study* by Bureau Veritas, a global independent testing laboratory, also found that the VIOlight Toothbrush Sanitizer eliminated up to 99.9% of germs tested on toothbrushes.

*above information is from the VIO website

This is one of those products that catches your eye on the store shelf and gets your interest even before you realize all the benefits of its use. It looks so cute and the colors are bright and happy.
Like most parents, our children's oral health is very important and anything that will encourage them to brush their teeth will find a place in our bathroom.   The colors, shape and happy little face on the Zapi Pop Toothbrush Sanitizer made our youngest smile and laugh.  She loves that she has a special place to store her toothbrush and ever since we started using it she has been very excited about brushing her teeth and making sure her toothbrush is properly put away each time,  I sure hope this keeps up.
The Zapi Pop uses a UV light that claims to eliminate 99.9% of germs and bacteria, there are known studies that have shown that exposed toothbrushes are a magnet for germs in the bathroom, it only makes sense to protect your toothbrush.  I have no way to test this out myself, but I am confident in Vio's report and claim.
It is so easy to use, it uses 3 AAA batteries and you just push the button.  The Zapi Pop will automatically shut off in 7 minutes leaving your toothbrush clean and sanitized. 
You can purchase them online on the VIO website for $29.95

Disclosure:  I was provided with a complimentary sample of this product to do a review.  My opinions are always my own, your experience or opinion may be different. Please see my full Disclosure Policy at the bottom of my blog. If I didn't like it, I would tell you!

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